Tuesday, April 13, 2010

-=[ Revision 19 - 4/13/2010]=-
- FIX issue 36 WHO tab overlap
- FIX issue 35 TICKET - Online list not working
- FIX issue with Nil object error in tele scrolling on startup
- FIX Ticket scrolling issue reported by Kitharo
- ADD MISC tab, checkbox for Chat Output. When off (default), TrinityAdmin does not display output of most
  commands in chat window (for example, .server info) but does display the results in the appropriate part
  of TrinityAdmin. When ON, both TrinityAdmin native AND chatwindow outputs are displayed.
- ADD MISC tab, an editbox to specify how often the Diff graph (on Server tab) is updated. 4000 (~1 minute) is default.
- It is reported that r19 with Chat Output ON allows all the chat window clickable links to work properly. Please verify.
- It is also reported that deDe clients with deDe selected in TrintiyAdmin and deDe selected in Core is now working properly.

svn: http://trinityadmin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
download: http://trinityadmin.googlecode.com/files/TrinityAdmin332_r19.rar
issues: http://code.google.com/p/trinityadmin/issues/list

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Rev18 released

-=[ Revision 18 - 4/7/2010]=-
Note: This version is compatible with TC2 revision 7757+
- FIX: WHO tab functioning with new entries in Trinity_String (MANY thanks to TC Devs for the changes!!!)
- ADD: Map-Zone to WHO tab. Note: this is NOT realtime since it pulls from the database after save
- Fix: PairsbyKeys startup error
- Fix: Tickets Online functions
- MOD: Removed IP address from the list on Who tab. IP is still in details.
- MOD: In Item search frame, click= add item to target inventory, right-click= list item. Changed this to: click=add, r-click=remove. Multiple amounts work for removing too, can enter either a positive or negative munber to be removed.
- FIX: Server info no longer spamming chat window

Note: ta.sql no longer required for TC2 7757+

svn: http://trinityadmin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/
download: http://trinityadmin.googlecode.com/files/TrinityAdmin332_rev18.rar
issues: http://code.google.com/p/trinityadmin/issues/list

Friday, February 26, 2010

Committed to svn:

-=[ Revision 16 - 2/26/2010 ]=-
- UPDATE: svSV locale updated
- UPDATE: Close Mail popup when send button clicked - Thanks, Shocker!
- ADD: Ticket tab, new button to view tickets of online players only (.ticket onlinelist) Thanks, Shocker!
- UPDATE: Change minimapicon when a new ticket is received. Now more obvious and with a 'T'. Thanks, Kitharo! Issue #25 closed
- UPDATE: Moved Tele Add and Tele Del buttons to GM tab, rather than Char2 tab.
- ADD: On WHO tab: .char customize, .char delete, .char rename, .ban (1 day), .ban (perm), Jail (Alliance), Jail(Horde), UnJail

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

TrinityAdmin v3.3.2 r14 released

I am proud to release the newest version of TrinityAdmin!

TrinityAdmin is a popular client-addon which greatly simplifies the tasks of a GM.

-=[ TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 Revision 14 ]=-
This is a major release, incorporating many, many fixes along with
some major new features (Tickets, Who). This release would NOT have
happened without the generous and patient assistance of Kitharo (from
Land of Legends). All of us owe Kitharo a great debt for testing TrinityAdmin
on one of the world's largest servers and providing detailed feedback
so that I could make Tickets work again. Thank you, my friend!

Major changes:
*The TICKETS system is now functioning. Note that you MUST apply the included SQL to your world Db in order for
TICKETS to function.
*The WHO tab is functional. Instantly see who is on your server, see their account and character info, whisper/goname/namego/mail/kick with just two clicks! Requires application of included SQL on world db
in order to function.
*The TELE tab has been overhauled, rearranged, and added to. Northrend is now included. Many thanks to Gimp and Pryd for their work on this!

Minor Changes/Adds:
- Modified sizes of tabs
- Added PvP tab
- Added Event tab
- Added RPG tab
- Added Vendor tab
- Added AhBot tab
- Added Who tab
- Mail error fixed. Note you still cannot send big messages.. 200 apprx charatcers is the server limit
- Update frequency of the Udate Diff graph changed to approx 1 minute
- Server info auto refreshes every 1 minute
- Added complete WHO system on WHO tab: see who is online, click for detailed info
- Integrated MUCh more complete teleport table from old MangAdmin (thanks, Gimp and Pryd!!!)
- Added support for Bulgarian language (buBU)
- Updated localisation for enUS, frFR, svSV
- Removed support for fiFI, liLI, zhCN, nlNL languages until translators can be found
- Added 'GM Chat' command to GM tab
- Added Waterwalk command to GM tab
- Added acccount lock/unlock command to GM tab
- Added .gm ingame, .gm list, and .pet create
- Added .pet learn, .pet unlearn, .pet tp
- Added .lookup taxinode, .go taxinode
- Added .go trigger
- Added .cast, .cast back, .cast dist, .cast self, .cast target
- added .list item
- Added .account create, .account delete, .account set addon, .account set gmlevel, .account set password
- added .gmnotify

This new version of TrinityAdmin contains many significant changes over previous versions.
As such, the proper installation of TrinityAdmin is no longer as simple as it once was.
Please follow the steps below to ensure you can enjoy the full benefits of TrinityAdmin

TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 r14 supports client version 3.3.2 (3.0.3, 3.1.3, and 3.2.2a may also work, BUT ARE UNSUPPORTED).
It does not work with 1.x or 2.x clients.

TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 r14 supports Trinity Core servers ONLY. It will not work with MaNGOS, Arc, Ascent, Hearthstone, or any other emu. TrinityCores supporting 3.3.2 are highly recommended.

TrinityAdmin 3.3.2 r14 supports localisation for: enUS, svSV, and frFR. Other languages are in process of translation and will be added to svn.

1. You should have unpacked the install archive into your Addons folder (i.e the
TrinityAdmin folder is in the Addons folder).
2. ON THE SERVER -> You MUST run the SQL queries in the included ta.sql file on the server's 'world' database.
If you do not, the Ticket tab and the Who tab will NOT work.
3. ON THE SERVER -> You may wish to review the security level requirements for certain GM commands. For example, the
.account onlinelist by default needs a level 4. If your GMs dont have level 4, they wont be able to use the WHO tab.
4. Once the SQLs have been installed and the server reloaded (or .reload trinity_string), log
into the game.
5. Click the TA icon on the minimap frame. Do NOT open TrinityAdmin any other way just yet.
6. Click the Tickets tab. If you receive and error, DO NOT close it, just click the Tickets tab again.
7. Click the Change Language button to reload the addon.
8. Click the TA icon on the minimap frame. Do NOT open TrinityAdmin any other way just yet.
9. Click the Who tab. If you receive and error, DO NOT close it, just click the Who tab again.
10. Click the Change Language button to reload the addon.
(these steps are required on some locales in order to properly create the new local tables that the addon uses
to store tickets and 'who' information'
11. The addon is now properly installed. Subsequent installs, or installs on another client machine will require steps
4-9 to be performed for each separate install.

__________________________________________________ _____________________________________
Get it. Now.

- svn:
- Downloads:http://code.google.com/p/trinityadmin/downloads/list

NOTE: When subsequent releases occur, the ta.sql file must be reapplied!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Good news!

Paradox over at TrinityCore is taking a look at the changes I requested. Hopefully, he will approve them and add them to patchqueue. Once they are accepted, develoment of the ticket system in TrinityAdmin will continue.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

r5 committed, hilarity ensues

Just committed r5, after almost 12 hours of work on TA today. Here's what got done:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes (nothing major)
- Commenced restructuring of the code in a more modular arrangement
- Moved GOb buttons to GOb tab
- Fixed grid navigate. Now that it works properly, I will keep it.
- Fixed model rotate bug
- found and fixed a LOT of non-localised strings. Everything will be localised.

TrinityAdmin's code had got to be quite a mess. It was getting difficult and very time consuming to find a partiular section of code to work on it. Adding new functions was dreaded because it took so... damned... long...
So, I decided this morning to re-structure the source code files in a more logical fashion.
TrinityAdmin.lua - Will contain only code for making the app as a whole function
Locales/xxXX.lua - Will still be the localisation for particular languages
Frames/MangFrames_TabName.lua - Still contains code for drawing the controls
Commands/Commands_TabName.lua - Contains the functions needed by all controls on that tab
FunctionInit.lua - Now contains all the code relating to the tabs that needs to be executed at startup

So, what does this mean? Well, it make it EASY to add commands to TA now - Add 1 line to FunctionInit, add 1 function to the appropriate Commands file, add necessary strings to the localisation file(s), and draw the approipriate controls in the Frames. Well.. it *is* actually easier than it was before, believe me.

Once this restructing is complete, I hope to have some cooperation from the trinity devs (still nothing so far from Machiavelli), and I'll get Tickets pushed out the door.

Future: There will be more tabs:
WHO, a scrolling list of who is online with appropriate buttons for goname, namego, etc.
RPG, imagine wow's macros on steroids
PvP - A tab for controlling Arenas & BGs
EVENT - A tab for controlling game events

There will be more functions:
Currently, we have about 40% of the GM commands implemented. Naturally the goal is 100%.

Tell me what you want!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Grid Navigator

Thinking about getting rid of the Grid Navigator on the Main/GM tab. I never use it... do you? Does anyone care if I get rid of it, or do you use it?

Thursday, January 14, 2010


Today, we have set in motion some requests to the Trinity Core Dev team for some alterations to the outputs of a couple of commands. These changes will enable TrinityAdmin to capture ticket info properly and will also support an upcoming *surprise* feature.

If the devs approve the changes and implement them, I can make the ticket system work as intended. Of course YOUR ability to use the ticket system would require you to be on a server produced after the changes are implemented *or* have access to your server's database to do a few SQL updates (to make an older core compatible). All but one of the changes I requested are SQL changes, so this would work. The other change relates to the command .go ticket #ticketnum, which currently seems to be broken (at least on my core it is). So in other words, if they fix the command and implement the SQL changes, those of you on older cores would be able to use all of the ticket system (by updating SQL) but not be able to .go ticket #ticketnum

Questions? Comments?

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Workaround for non-enUS users?

Namida, over at the TrinityCore forums, has posted a workaround for non-enUS users:

If you have the game in non-usUS localization, you can use it in English :
-Choice English language for wow
-Or use it with your client, but you have to modify some files in TrinityAdmin : For example with French client
  • \TrinityAdmin.toc : delete the line concerning your localization (for French example : delete Locales\frFR.lua
  • \TrinityAdmin.lua : delete the 3 lineS concerning your localisation (Locale:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return Return_frFR() [line 140] end) AND Strings:RegisterTranslations("frFR", function() return ReturnStrings_frFR() end) [line 158] and {"French","frFR"}, [line 2846])
  • In \Locales\ : delete your localisation file (frFr.lua)
And now you can use trinityadmin with your French client (but it will be in English)
The third way is to translate all the files...good luck

iotech : thanks for your tool ;)
Default Sig, click here to change your sig if you are logged in
Thanks, Namida!!! Please note: I have no idea if this works or not, and if you do the above workaround, it *may* break the addon even worse! 

Welcome to the new TrinityAdmin Blog!

Well, the move is comlete. All the source code is at the new Google Code site, the discussion groups are up (although I am not impressed with them) and the blog is.. well, it's right here.

Hang on, the fun starts now.