Thursday, January 21, 2010

r5 committed, hilarity ensues

Just committed r5, after almost 12 hours of work on TA today. Here's what got done:
- Miscellaneous bug fixes (nothing major)
- Commenced restructuring of the code in a more modular arrangement
- Moved GOb buttons to GOb tab
- Fixed grid navigate. Now that it works properly, I will keep it.
- Fixed model rotate bug
- found and fixed a LOT of non-localised strings. Everything will be localised.

TrinityAdmin's code had got to be quite a mess. It was getting difficult and very time consuming to find a partiular section of code to work on it. Adding new functions was dreaded because it took so... damned... long...
So, I decided this morning to re-structure the source code files in a more logical fashion.
TrinityAdmin.lua - Will contain only code for making the app as a whole function
Locales/xxXX.lua - Will still be the localisation for particular languages
Frames/MangFrames_TabName.lua - Still contains code for drawing the controls
Commands/Commands_TabName.lua - Contains the functions needed by all controls on that tab
FunctionInit.lua - Now contains all the code relating to the tabs that needs to be executed at startup

So, what does this mean? Well, it make it EASY to add commands to TA now - Add 1 line to FunctionInit, add 1 function to the appropriate Commands file, add necessary strings to the localisation file(s), and draw the approipriate controls in the Frames. Well.. it *is* actually easier than it was before, believe me.

Once this restructing is complete, I hope to have some cooperation from the trinity devs (still nothing so far from Machiavelli), and I'll get Tickets pushed out the door.

Future: There will be more tabs:
WHO, a scrolling list of who is online with appropriate buttons for goname, namego, etc.
RPG, imagine wow's macros on steroids
PvP - A tab for controlling Arenas & BGs
EVENT - A tab for controlling game events

There will be more functions:
Currently, we have about 40% of the GM commands implemented. Naturally the goal is 100%.

Tell me what you want!

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